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Hello World

Hello World

. . . Did I do it right?

This is a blog intended for me to write my thoughts, plans, etc down in the hopes that it will help not just me, but others as well.

I don’t pretend to be right all of the time, and I’m not right nearly as often as I pretend. Hopefully Cunningham’s Law will make us all more enriched.

It is inevitable that I will look back on this first post with the maximum amount of regrets, so, here’s to you, future me. I hope it was worth it?

Plans for this blog:

  • My programming adventures
  • Maybe other things that I do

Planned Project: Wifi Thermometer

I have many stillborn projects in various states of development, and everything seems to be a variation on a wifi thermometer. I’ve made them for school, and I’ve made them for work, but I’d like to make one for myself. Simple enough, right?

The plan is to use up the hardware I’ve got on hand, which boils down to a grab bag of mid 2010’s dev boards and sensors.

For the micro, I’ll be using an ESP-01 and for the temp sensor, a DS18B20 I plan to prototype with arduino, but write my own code with some open source libraries for things like Wifi and One-wire (I don’t plan on ever using one-wire again after I exhaust these temp sensors(famous last words, I know)).

Well, let’s see how this ends up. Thanks for reading this far. Don’t forget to smash that like button, I guess?